Saturday, May 7, 2016

Moroccan Demographics


The main language spoken in Morocco is Arabic. Arabic is one of the sixth most spoken languages in the world with about 422 million native and non-native speakers. Arabic is written and spoken from right to left. The alphabet has 28 letters and is written in a cursive style with the letters connecting and changing its form depending on where it is placed in the word.
(Arabic writing)


The main religion practiced in Morocco is Islam. Islam began in the early 7th century and originated in Mecca. Islam is the third most practiced religion in the world making it the fastest spreading religion. Followers of Islam are called Muslims. Muslims believe that Muhammad is the prophet  and that there is one God and one God only. There are two major secs of Islam being the the Sunni and the Shia. The religious text used in Islam is the Qur'an which is written Arabic. There are five pillars that followers of Islam must follow.  The five pillars are five basic acts that are followed by Muslims. The five pillars consist of Shahada  (faith), Salat (prayer), Zagat (Charity), Swan (fasting),  and Hajj which is the Pilgrimage to Mecca that should be made at least once in ones lifetime. It is believed by Muslims that these five acts bring you closer to God.


Traditionally Muslims are called to prayer five times a day. Prayer consist of specific postures (standing, bowing and sitting) and repetition of prayer. Before prayer Muslims must make sure they are prepared by making sure they are physically and mentally clean and that their environment is also clean. They must make sure they are wearing appropriate clothing that covers their body but is not form fitting and is relatively loose. Prayer is usually preferred barefoot which also respondents a form of cleanliness. Prayer is traditionally performed on a a prayer rug that is facing Qibla (which is the direction of the Kabaa in Mecca.

The Above picture shows a man performing obligatory salat(prayer) on a prayer rug.

A group of Muslims during prayer.

The Kaaba in Mecca during Hajj. 

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